Book Organization

A new year meant to finally organize my books.  As I have been blog hoppin' there seems to be many of us willing and wanting to do some 52 week organization.

As my classroom is super small, I need to store most of my books at home that I use for read alouds, science, social, math, character education, art, reading and writing mini lessons.  Pretty much EVERYTHING!

The only books that I store at school are my levelled readers and the books the students use during Daily 5. 

I knew I needed to get started NOW, or I might lose momentum.
2) Piles starting to form with some sort of organization

1) So this is how I started- bins and boxes with no organization!

3) Books finally organized into bins- just awaiting labels
4) All bins labelled and stacked!!

Sorry, for the bad pics, they were taken on my iPhone
 and of course in the basement!
As I was organizing, I was wondering what others do when a book might fit into two different categories. 
For Example,
Ten Little Fish could go with my theme bin for Sand and Sea
or I could put it into my Math Concepts bin.
PIGS by Robert Munsch could go with my bin for Munsch books or in my Character Education bin for Responsibility.

Would love to hear about how you organize your books?


  1. I say you buy multiple copies to fit multiple categories. :)
    BUT . . . I put it in the category that I know I'm going to read first (say Beginning of the Year for a bear book because we do a bear theme at the beginning of the year) and then after I read it, I file it into the next category (Bears) because we'll study Bears in January. Then, after I read Bears in January, I'll make sure to file it back into Beginning of the Year. But that's usually after it's gone in the tabletop book baskets so the kids can look at it, too.
    I don't know. Sounds complicated but I've been accused of being too organized so I don't know.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Yes, mutiple copies has been my answer as well!
    Thanks for sharing, I like your system!
