On December 31, 2013 my word became very clear in my mind.
This is what I wrote on that day: My #oneword for 2014. EXECUTE. It is time to make the most of every opportunity, moment and wish. I want to be fully present and follow through on each task and to-do. I want to experience so much this year and fully execute each occasion that comes my way.
This past year I have focused on executing so many things in my life - both professionally and personally. I also even created 14 of '14. These were 14 things, I wanted to fully execute throughout the year. Although some were as small as reading a book a month, others seemed almost too large at the time like finishing another master course just for my own professional growth.
However, as the days past throughout the year, my word began to drive everything I did. I would find myself asking if I had fully executed throughout the day. Did I commit and follow through on what I had promised?
As 2014 comes to an end, I have decided to do One Word again for 2015. While reading Jon's book, he mentions the word will just come to you. You will find it and feel it with your whole heart. In recent weeks, I have written a word over and over, I have seen it come up over and over in books, on videos I watch, twitter, etc. I feel it when I lay in bed before I close my eyes. My word for 2015 truly does feel like it is meant for me and has come even more from my heart. I can not wait to share it.
But for the next few weeks of 2014 - I will continue to EXECUTE fully every challenge, opportunity, and experience that comes my way.