Cultivating a Culture of Literacy - Cardboard Challenge

Cardboard Challenge is a non-profit organization with a mission to foster creativity.  They started after the response to Caine's Arcade.  Watch the videos below to learn more about Caine's Arcade. 

Caine's Aracade

Caine's Arcade 2: From a Movie to a Movement

Now annually there is a Cardboard Challenge held on October 7.  

You can find great ideas from including blog posts and videos on how to get started.

Embrace the Chaos

The other great part about the Cardboard Challenge is you can also incorporate books which include creativity with the use of a box.  You might want to have your Cardboard Challenge center around a certain theme, curricular outcome or just let your student's imagination sore.


Flyte, M. (2016). Box. London, UK: Nosy Crow.

Imagination Blog. (Photographer).  (2017, September 1). Embrace the chaos and 7 other tips for organizing a cardboard challenge [digital image]. Retrieved from

Imagination Foundation. (2012, September 13). Caine's arcade 2: From a movie to a movement [Video File]. Retrieved from

Janssens, A. (2012). The box. New York, NY: Clavis.

Lamug, K. K. (2011). A box story. Las Vegas, NV: Rabblebox.

Mullick, N. (2012, April 9). Caine's arcade [Video File]. Retrieved from

Portis, A. (2006). Not a box. New York, NY: HaperCollins.

Yolen, J. (2016). What to do with a box. Mankato, MN: Creative Editions.

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