A Year of Positivity

Always end the day with a positive thought.  
No matter how hard things were, tomorrow is a new opportunity to make it better.  

At the start of 2015, I started my journey of Positivity Post-Its.  The PURPOSE was to end each day with a positive thought or reminder.  Each night just before bed, I would think about the day and record a positive thought on a post-it and then put it on Instagram.

I knew it would require dedication and commitment.  I knew there would be days I would be tired.  There would be days it would be hard to be positive because the day was rough.  Or even while I was away on vacation I would have to be committed to doing a post-it.  But, what I learned from this experience was it forced me to look at life in a different way.  It forced me to look and see the positive in each day.  It forced me to develop  a positive habit.  It forced me to just laugh more at things which frustrated me.

So now, 365 days have past.  365 Positivity Post-Its have been created.  I have grown.  I have accomplished something I set out to do.  And my hope is that maybe I inspired or spread a little positivity into someone else's day as well.

You can find all my Positivity Post-Its on this page - Positivity Post-It

The truth of the matter is, most people don't finish things! Look around you, the evidence is everywhere: People don't finish. They begin ambitious projects with the best of intentions, but then they get stuck in a mire of insecurity and doubt and hairsplitting...and they stop.
So if you can just complete something-merely complete it! - you're already miles ahead of the pack, right there. -Gilbert

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