
Today was the kick-off to Read-In-Week. In my previous posts you already know how much I love books and reading to children. For the past month in our reader’s workshop we have been talking about reading and answering the questions of WHO reads, and WHEN, WHERE, WHAT and WHY readers read. We have learned that reading happens all the time, for various purposes and in many different places.

Who Reads…..
Moms, dads, grandparents, children, students, mechanics, cooks, doctors, bus drivers

What I Read…
Newspapers, magazines, books, brochures, ads, catalogues, letters, cards, notes, lists, maps, cookbooks, email

When I Read…
Morning, day, night, at school, when driving, when shopping

Where I Read…
Car, school, kitchen, bedroom, living room, outside, garage

Why I Read…
To learn, to build, to fix, to cook, to relax, for fun, for enjoyment

So as EPL (Edmonton Public Library) would say,
Ready, Set, Read!
Ready... Find a good book, magazine or computer screen.
Set... Choose a comfortable spot and block out any distractions.
Read... Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Learn!

If we are able to raise a reader today, tomorrow they will be a leader.

If you would like to add to the growing list of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY - Please just add your comment below.

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